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Senin, 04 Agustus 2008



Bali, one of the thousands of island constructing the Indonesian Archipelago, has long been renowned as a leading tourist destination in South Pasific or even in the World for its ecotic and vibrant art culture, natural beauties and the hospitality of the people.
Many names have been given to this small island, such as Island of thousand temples, Morning of the World and many others.
It covers an extent of 5.632,86 square kilometers consisted of mountain ange streches from the West tip to the East with Mt. Agung as the highest peak. About 70% of the whole extent is agricultural ground while the other 22% consist and only about 8% is left uncultivated.
The people mainly live on agriculture with rice as staple crop, while the other are : coconut, coffe, clove, vanilla, maize, etc.
Bali is also known for its wide variety of tropical fruit like : mango, mandarin citroes, banana, salak, the thornyskined, grape and many others.
Along with the development of tourism small scale and home industry like handicrafts are also flourishing, offering more job opportunities to the people.
Hinduism is adhered by almost 95% of its population about 2,8 millions, specifically blend with Budhism and the Anchestor worship to make it inseparable from everyday life and opportunity is missed to worship God in an unending series of ceremonies stretches from birt up to after death.
Everiday life of the Balinese merges with social duties and religios obligation while the art reflect an unnoticed integration of, environment, religion and community in wich individual is aprat.
Bali has such a mild and agreeable climate the whole year-round, with average temperature of the day in coastal arears varies from about 28 C (82 F) during May-July to about 30 C (86 F) in March-October, while the most pleasant weather is between May to September.
English is widely understood, along with the rapid development of tourism , particularly in major tourist resort while French, Japanese and othr foreign languages are also spoken instead of English.
With reagred to the efforts in maintaining and preserving the local culture, the Government has decided to develop such a tourism based on the every aspect of local culture that harmonically woven together with ages-old tradion inspired bay Hinduism as major religion.


Gedung Wisma Dharmala