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Senin, 08 Desember 2008


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Minggu, 07 Desember 2008


Jakarta, a booming and modern metropolis and capital of Indonesia-was originally a sleepy port town known as Sunda Kelapa. Through the course of historical events, however, Sunda Kelapa grew rapidly, and as early as the 1600’s became one of the most vital trading venues in the excotic East. At different times, and under various rulers, this town became known as Jayakarta, Batavia (under Dutch colonist), Jayakarta again, and finally Jakarta. In the 1940’s only about 200.000 people lived in this city, but today-with the influx of people into the city after the Second World War-jakarta’s population is now nine million. Previously known as “The Peral of the Orient”’ Jakarta with its shopping, nightlife and business opportunities is now a thriving major city and is often referred to as “the best kept secret in Asia”.



Yogyakarta is Indonesia in miniature. Whwn visitors come to inhale the air of Yogya, they feel like they have lived. Yogya has been describe “Javas cultural heart” the “Soul city of Java” or “Planted in the fertile heartland of Central Java, (it is) the cradle of the great Javanese empires… the centre of Indonesia’s grand culturak traditions… the capital of ancient kingdoms, medieval empires and modern revolution and an enjoy mélange of style and moods.

Whatever Yogyakarta is or aims to be, this fascinating city with its surrounding jungles, rice fields and mountains lies in the heart of Indonesia’s most important ancient empires. In Yogyakarta itself you can visit the impressive Sultants’s Palace (the Kraton) under the watchful, but friendly eyes, of a hundred palace guards in their traditional and distinctive uniforms. You can tour its bustling markets and avenues and purchase arts and craft created by Java’s finest craftsmen and painters. Once you’ve seen enough of modern Java, you can then head for the countryside and marvel at some of ancient Asia’s grandest wonders-the great 8th to 10th century Hindu and Buddhist temples of Prambanan, Borobudur and their subsidiary candies (temple) and shrines that dot the Javanese countryside.

Yogya is a place where nothing is leaved until it is experienced.



The charming city of Manado, is the provincial capital of North Sulawesi, the smallest of Sulawesi (formed known as the Celebes) island’s four provincies. This peninsular provinces-and arc of land nearly 800 kilometres wide-is home to some 2,5 million people, mostly Minahasans. Manado is famed for its spectacular diving sites and serene beaches, but its most prominent landmark is the brooding Mount Lokon, a beautiful volcano that houses a spectacular aqua-green sulphur lake inside its steamy cone. Regional tourist attractions include the peaceful Lake Tondano (South of Manado), the crystal clear diving waters of Bunaken Islan and Tasik Ria Beach.

In this book “The Malay Archipelago” 19th century naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace describe Manado “a one of the prettiest town in the East”.

Indeed, Manado is still a prim proper and pleasant place, and in recent years it has achieved special international fame for the beauty of its spectacular underwater “Sea Gardens” Divers the world over come to Manado to explore offshore reefs which teem with tropical fish, coral formations and other marine wonders. Meanwhile, the new resort project at Manado Tasik Ria Beach will eventually be one of East Indonesia’s biggest visit or attraction and Indonesia’s newest resort destination.

Senin, 17 November 2008




Geographical feature
Cirebon has been known as “Kota Udang” or the city of shrimp. It is located near the boundry of West Java and Central Java. That is why Cirebon is a place where assimilation of the custom of West Java and Central Java takes place. At present it covers an area of 37.356 kilometres. There is plan to enlarge it in years to come. The city is at the elevation of 5 metres above sea level and 108 derajat 33 east longitude and 06 derajat 41 southem longitude. The temperatures range from 28 to 32 degrees and the population are 264.000 people. It s only 248 kilometres from Jakarta.


Harbour City
Cirebon is a harbour city in the north coast of Java namely Muara Jati and it is the gate of import and export for West Java and used by business ships and navigation boat. It is very important trading place all sort of trading goods for the whole of Indonesia and abroad.

Industry City
Economicsectors are growing so fast and Cirebon is making effort to develop industry in one small part of the country, located in the region of Pegambiran, anindustrial territory is being planned and prepared. There are also some small Industries and home industries.

Trade City
Cirebon has rapidly developed to a business centre. There are many kinds of produce of Cirebon as well as outside of Cirebon regency are ready to use and for sale. Trade activities not only reach Java and its neighbouring island also expanding world wide.

Tourismand Culture City
Historical building and places of religious background have become the most attractive place for travelers out city of Cirebon. It is having a characteristic architecture special to northwest Java including some krantons as historical remains. The busiest time of the years on the twelfth of Maulud where the people come from all comers of Java and event from others island come on this town to following ritual ceremonies.


The Kesepuhan Palace
Fomerly the palace was called the Pakungwati Palace wich was built in 1446 AD, then the name was changed into the Kesepuhan Palace in 1529 AD. At museum of the palace there are some historical articles like an old carriage, an old Palanguin, puppets, and some old gamelans. On the west of the palace there is an old mosque which is glorious called Mesjid Agung Sang Cipta Rasa, wich was built in the 15th century by the wali sanga.
The Kanoman Palaca
In the palace there is an old building called “Witana”. It means awii-awit ana (the first building). It was built in the 14th century. Every year the local government celebrates, the Cirebon anniversary here. In the museum there are some historical article, like an old carriage, an old Palanguin, gamelan, statues, mask, ets. In front of the palace there is also a market called kanoman market.

The Kecirebonan Palace
This palace is located on Pulasaren street and was built in 1800. There is a Jinem Arum, aplace where the Sultan received his guests. In Cirebon every palace there is a traditional ceremony is to commemorate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Beside this there ar also other ceremonial instruments which are traditionally called the Panjang Jimat.

The Sunyaragi Cave
The cave is one of the remains that was used as a headquarters of the Islamic revival against the Dutch Government and struggle fot the independence. It was built in 1803 by Prince Aria carbon. He was one of the Sultan Kesepuhan. The cave was also used by the Sultan guerillas as troops as their last stronghold and then the cave was used for resting and became a palace of a meeting between the leaders and the Sultan’s soldiers. Now, the Government has renovates the place and has erected the culture stage of Sunyaragi having enough seat for 800 people.
This is the biggest cart in Indonesia namely Pedati Gede. Its length has about 15 metres and was pulled by two buffalo es. According to the history the cart was used by Prince walangsungsang when he went around to teach and spread Islam through the other area like Cirebon regency, Kuningan, Majalengka, Indramayu and round Cirebon in the 15th century. The Governor of West Java ordered to make a duplication of the cart in 1996, Pangeran H. Yusup Dendabrata, one of the Sultan’s family of the Kraton Kecirebonan has made a duplication of the cart with ornament in the style of Cirebon. It has four pairs of wheels, each wheel being 2,2 metres, 2 metres in diameter.

The Taman Kera Kalijaga
The monkey Kalijaga Park, there are many monleys living in the 5000 metres parks, on the west of the parks there is an old mosque which was built in the 14th century.

The historical building of Linggarjati is located not far from the Linggarjati Tourism park. It is a place where the Linggarjati negotiation between Netherlands and Indonesia in 1946 took place. Just a short journey from Linggarjati is the spa resort of Sangkanhurip where you can enjoy the temperature hot spring of the Ciremai mountain.

Taman Ade Irma Suryani Nasution (Traffic Garden)
It is located on Jalan Ade Irma, near the Cirebon harbour. This place is an amusement park and function as a revreation place.


West Sumatra

The provinsi of West Sumatra, home of the Minangkabau people, has been called one the Earth’s last remaining paradises. It’s no exaggeration. This provinsi is blessed with vibrant, age-old cultures and unparalleled scenic beauty.

With a wealth OF RICHES ITS NO WONDER West Sumatra has long been a popular destination for travelers A trip to the cool hill town of Bukittinggi, flanked by volcanoes and traditional Minangkabau villages whose way of life has barely changed in centuries, or a visit to Padang, West Sumatra’s thriving capital city, famous throughout Southeast Asia for its culinary delight and its proximity to a host of nature reserves, is a trip any visitor won’t soon forget. Come to paradise. Come to West Sumatra.

West Sumatra covers an area 42,229 square kilometres. Its population is 4,5 million, of which 85 percent are people of Minangkabau descent. Approximately 85 percent of West Sumatra’s resident live ouside the province’sc cities in villages, earning their living as farmers. Minangkabau culture is matrilineal. Property and wealth is passed down to a familiy’s daughter, no sons. The tribal inhabitant of the Mentawai Archipelago, a group of island about 100 miles off the coast of West Sumatra, cling to a traditional agrarian lifestyle that is totally different from that of the Minangkabau.

West Sumatra primarily speak Bahasa Minang, a dialect closely related to the national language of Indonesia, Bahasa Indonesia, wich West Sumatrans are also fluent in. English widely spoken in West Sumatra’s cities and tourist centres.

Staddling the Equator, West Sumatra has only two seqsos. A rainy season that falls rouhtly between March and October, and a dry season that occurs between April and bin the coateteral area and 0 to 24 degrees Celcius in the mountains.

Public phone that use phonecards or coins are available in many location. Also available in many location. Also available at telecommunication stall, and telecom office, are International Direct Dialing (IDD), facsimile, Telex, and telegrams service.


Embroidery and weaving are the most noteworthly of all Minangkabau crafts. And the most outstanding examples of Minangkabau textile skill are found in songket, a fabric wom by both men and women tradional events like weddings and funerals. Finely executed examples of songket, made of interwoven silk and gold threading, can take several months to complete.

Each Minangkabau village has own dance group. Dance in West Sumatra is an integral part of everyday life, an specific dances are performed at wedding and other social gatherings. Each village usually has its own dance group called randai who are invited to perform at weddings, to celebrate the harvest festival, and to mark important social events.
One of the most popular dances is the Tari Piring, where a skilled dancer dances over razor-sharp shards of brokens pottery without so much as breaking his skin.
Dances are accompanied by small orchestras consisting. Of the talempong, the puput, and the salung bamboo flutes. The Minangs have their own version of pencak silat, a fluid dance-like form of self defence which every boy traditional learns during his formative years.

The Minangkabau are famous for their hospitaly. They share their home, their foods and their culture with any visitors who show interes.
Predominantly muslim, the Minangkabau society adheres to a matriarchal system of inheritance and power; West Sumatra is one of the few places in the world where women hold way and wealth.
Land, ricefields, and houses are passed from mother to daughter or to a close female relative. The adapt, of custom, encourages democratic thinking, where differences are resolved by discussion, or musyawarah, until an agreement known as mufakat is reached. This applies as much to villages councils as to family elders.
It is a custom amongst Minangkabau men to leave their homeland to seek fortune in other parts of Indonesia (merantau). Because of this custom, Padang-style restaurants are spread across the whole archipelago-and event further abroud.
A traditional Minangkabau house usually has six points. In front are two bams, one to hold the family, the other to house guests, The front hall of the house is to receive guests, while living quarters for daughters and their families flank the sides.
As family grows, so does its house, with new hom-shaped additions sprouting to accommodate them. A traditional house will support perhaps five generations under one roof under the strict eye of the oldest female family members.
Men are quite often excluded from the household, with young boys and bachelors sleeping in the Islamic prayer house known as surau, while married men often spend the night in their wife’s houses before returning to their mother’s houses at dawn.
Men are still considered the family’s leader, representing them at the villige council. One of the most spectacular events to witness in West Sumatra is a Minangkabau wedding, where neighbours converge in traditional dress to celebrate the marriage.

The Minang people have taken the nam “Minangkabau” meaning “Victorious Buffallo”. Hundreds of years ago the Minangkabau people of West Sumatra were threatened byan attack from a huge army from neighbouring Java Greatly outnumberd, the Minang elders convened a meeting and came up with a plan. They proposed a contest between two buffalo of armed combats between their armies. The Javanese agreed and produced an enormous buffalo from Java. The Minang brought out nothing more than a tiny calf. But the Javanese were unaware that the baby calf was half starving, and to its snout was lied a razor-sharp dagger. As the calf nuzzled the belly of the large buffalo, mistaking it for its mother, it gored and killed the giant beast. The Javanese withdrew, defeated. The West Sumatrans took the name Minangkabau, meaning victorious buffalo, from this incident.

The waves that crash against the shores of the islands of West Sumatra’s Mentawai Archipelago are some of the most impressive in Asia. In the last 30 years Mentawai has become one of the most highly regarded surfing location in the world.

A creater lake 1000 meters above sea level. Perhaps the most beautiful lake in Sumatra, Maninjau is far smaller and less developed than Lake Toba to the north. The road to the lake is famous for its 44 bends, each offerinf suoerb panoramas as it meanders to the water’s egde.
The lake is punctuated bay pretty Morish-style mosque. Doted about the lake are small, friedly villages. Mountain bikes for rent offer a perpect way explore the backroads of the area.

West Sumatra has some beautiful offshore islands worth visiting. Among the best are.

A 30 minute boat ride from Tarusan villige, Cubadak is a pristine slice of tropical heaven with a glorious stretch of white sand beach. Tourist facilities include bungalow, restaurant, and water sport facilities.

West Sumatra many mountainous and hilly areas make it an ideal place for paragliding.
Lawang in the Regency of Agam was chosen as the venue for an internatonal paragliding contest called “Fun and Flay”.

A 30 inute boat ride from Bungus Bay near Padang, this island boasts a gorgeous tropical garden with a private terrace overlooking the beach. There are accommodation, as well as a restaurant, a coffe shop, ajogging and cycling track, a swimming pool, and water sport facilities.

West Sumatra has exellent rivers for rafting at all skill levels, The pristine environmental beauty along the riverbanks.

The Anai Resort is located in a gorgeous natural setting roughly 550 meters above sea level, providing an atmosphere other rewsort envy. The Anai Resort is incorporating first class hotel facilities to complement its lush surroundings.
The Anai Resort’s rooms will comprise luxurious hotel suites, as well as cozy private bungalows and villas designed by Atelier 6 which reflect the unique and rich traditional of Minang culture and West Sumatra.


Padang, the provincial capital, is the international gateway to West Sumatra. The capital of West Sumatra, this thriving city and regency is located on a narrow plain between the Bukit Barisan chair of mountain and the Indian Ocean. It support two large universities and a number of cultural attraction, including virually limitless opportunities for sampling Minangkabau cuisine at its best Padang is the home of Nasi Padang, famus throught Southeast Asia for its delicious. Other highlights in and around Padang : Bungus Beach, Sikuai Island, Adytiawarman Museum, Padang Lama, Air Manis, Jambak, Padang Beach.

Bukittinggi, wich means “high hill” in both Bahasa Indonesia and Bahasa Minang is the cultural centre of the Minangkabau people.
This regency supports a university a zoo, a museum of Minangkabau heritage, and an exellent market. True to its name, the city is located 930 meters above sea level, providing a markedly cooler climate than lowland Padang. Its pleasant breezes and friendly residents have attracted visitors for years. A Among the regency’s other attractions are: Jam gadang, Japanese Tunnels, Sianok Canyon, Fort De Kock, Bung Hatta Palace, Bundo kanduang Zoo Lawas.

Payakumbuh is located 124 kilometres from Padang and 35 kilometres from Bukittinggi. An important regcncy, market town, and Minangkabau cultural centre located 35 kilometres from Bukittinggi. Fine basketry is available here from a wide number of specialty vendors. Fifteen kilometers from Payakumbuh is harau canyon, a striking granitas fissure whose forests are home to tapirs, siamangs, and Sumatra tugers. Within the canyon is the Sarasah Bunta waterfall, a fine, 150 meter tall waterfall that makes a perpect spot for swimming or just relaxing.

The town of Padang Panjang is located 73 kilometres north of Padang. This attractive town and regency is the first Minangkabau settlement that converted to Islam. Padang panjang is known as a centre os Islamic study and refered to as “Veranda of Mecca”. There is also a well known institute of Minagkabau dance and music in Padang Panjang. An attractive Minang palace lies just up the road to Bukittinggi.

Solok is located 65 kilometres east of Padang. Located on the Trans Sumatra Highway, the regency of Solok is an exellent place to view Minangkabau architecture there are countless homes built in traditional Minangkabau style here, with their exotic built hom shaped sloping roofs and colorful exterior wood carvings. Near the town of Solok are the twin lakes of Danau Diatas and danau Dibawah. These lakes, situated high in the mountains, are located one kilomtres apart and make a perpfect spot for hiking, camping, or viewing the surrounding terraced rice paddies. Also nearby is lake Singkarak, an ideal place for water sport served by numerous hotels and restaurants, and Belibis and the surrounding terrced rice paddies.

The regency of batusangkar, whose capital Batusangkar is located about 96 kilometres from Padang, is a famous centre of Minang culture Batusangkar, the principal city of the Tanah Datar Regency, is situated on a cool, upland palteu surrounded by verdant rice fields and mountains. It is known as one of the cradles of Minanglabau civilization. Pagaruyung, a restored sultan’s palace, lies five kilometers from the town’s centre. The nearby village are perpect places to partake of rura Minangkabau lofe. Here, amidst winding country roads, cinnamon groves, and ancientMinagkabau homes, some built over 300 years ago, life moves at a blissfully slow pace.

Lake maninjau, located an hour from Bukittinggi within Agam regency, is one of the most beautiful sights in West Sumatra. Lake Maninjau, located an hour from Bukittinggi within Agam regency, is ahuge, water-filled volcanic crater surrounded by steep 600-metre-high walls and thick forest. Underwater springs make the lake’s water deliciously warm. Opportunities for water sports, including water skiing canoening, and fishing, abound. The verdant landscape that presses against the lake is perfect for nature rambles and cycling. The cultural focal point of Lake Maninjau is Maninjau village, where visitors will find a wide range of hotels, guest houses, and restaurants. Three kilomtres away is Bayur, a picturesque village with Dutch colonial architecture. Another village of note along the shore of Lake Maninjau is Puncak Lawang, internationally known for its para gliding opportunities.

The 50 Kota regency is home to ancient stone megaliths believed to have been erected by early Minangkabau people. This green regency, located in the eastem part of West Sumatra, is famed as a place where batu merjan, ancient stone megaliths believe to have been erected by early Minangkabau people, can be found. The picturesque village of Kubabg Andaleh is known for its slkilled basket weavens; their crafts are for sale in numerous local shops. Not far from Kubang Andaleh is the Harau Valley, a protected nature reserve where tigers, wild boars, tapirs, and a spectrum of tropical birds can be viewed. The valley itself is flanked by steep, rocky embankments and is home to Akar berayub waterfall, a cool, lush place for whiling away an afternoon.

PADANGPARIAMAN REGENCY The town of pariaman, hub of the Padang pariaman Regency, is located an hour north of the city of Padang. Traditional bendi, the clip-clopping horse carts favored by Minangkabau residents as opposed to noisy pediacabs, ply the town’s pleasant streets pariaman regency is home to a number of important Minangkabau festivals, including the tabuik Feast, held during the first ten days Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar. The climax of the festival occurs during its ninth day, when an immense bouraq (an ornately concytucted horselike symbolic animal) is dramatically tossed into the Indian Ocean. Anai Resrt, an hour from pariaman, supports a luxury hotels and an international-class golf course. Designed by the golf-cours architectural team of Thomson, Wolveridge, and Perret, the challenging cours is surround by alush, jungle landscape.

The regency of Pesisir Selatan, whose capital is Painan, is located about 77 kilontres south of Padang. Among its many temptations are tropical island and quiet white-sand beachs, offers numerous opportunities for exploring the stunning landscapes of West Sumatra. Of particular interest is a visit to Cubadak island. Located offshore, a half-hour boat ride from the mainland village of Tarusan, the island is blanketed in rain forest, while its warm surrounding waters are bursting with colorful coral reefs. A unique bridge made entirely of the roots of the bayan tree can be found in the nearby subdistric of Bayang. Those interested in little more than lazing about on a palm-fringed, white-sand beach will find that Carocok Beach, five kilomtres south of the rown of painan, is just what the doctor ordered.

The Solok regenc, whose capital is Koto baru, is located 60 kilomtres from padang. The regency is famous as being home to four of West Sumatra’s most important lakes, including Diatas, Dibawah, talang, and Singkarak. The eegency is known as “beauty Solok” in the Minang dialect not only because of its physical beauty but because of its reputation for hospitality.
The Solok regency boats a wide range of accommodation, particularly around Lakes Singkarak, Diatas, and Dibawah, and the villages of Alahan Panjang and Muara Labuh. The regency is also celebrated for its fine Minang cuisine the excellent Sari Manggis restaurant in Nagari Guguk is particulary well loved. Among other highlights.
The huge rumah gadang (traditional house) located at Nagari Cupak, Gunung Talang district, built in the honor of the Penghulu Suku of Solok.
The Turkish-style mosque in tanjung Bingkuang, Kubung District, built in 1915.
Lakes Diatas and Danau Dibawah, beautiful twin lakes located about 54 kilometres from Padang, Lake Talang, in the Lembang Jaya District at 1700 metres, a gorgeous sight flanked by leafly marquise trees. Lake Singkarak, in X Koto Singkarak District and 1229 square kilometres in size, is the largest lake in West Sumatra, Mt. Merah Putih, located at Nagari Sulitr Air, X Koto Diatas District. At the top of this mountain is a small lake with clear water. In 1992 the resident of Sulit Air constructed stairway with a thousand steps to reach the summit. Lukah Gilo, a unique magic-based form of dancing at the village of Nagari Muara Panas. The beautiful tea plantation of Mt. Talang managed by PT. Perkebunan Nusantara VI Danau Kembar.

A Mountainous regency located four hours from Padang. White-water rafting enthusiasts will discover that the sport reigns supreme in the regency of Sawahlunto-Sijunjung. The most impressive of numerous rafting rivers is Kuantan River, which flows from the village of Muara Sijunjung into the neighboring province of Riau. Along this route are anumber of exciting rapids that range from level IV to V technical grade. The surrounding jungle landscapes, with campgrounds available for overnight stays, are unforgettably pristine.

The regency of Mentawai Islands has Tua pejat Sipora as its capital, located 135 kilometres from padang and can be accessed by in about six to 10 hours.
Lovers of adventure won’t be disappointed by a trip to the regency of the Mentawai Island, a small archipelago off the coast of West Sumatra consisting of the island of Siberut, Sipora, Pagai Utara and Pagai Selatan. Of these, Siberut Island is perhaps the most remarkable. Its vast nature reserve, SiberutNational park, home to a wide range of native flora and fauna, is one of the most impressive in Indonesia. The indigenous tribal inhabitants of Siberut Orang Mentawai are welcoming to visitors. Cut off from mainland.
Minangkabau culture, they developed an animistic, simple way of life deeply connected to the rhythms of nature-an almost Stone Age existence. Expeditions to visit Siberut Island and its people are easy to arrange, either independently or with a tour group. Those interested inmaking a quick visit from Padang on Sunday which stops at all four Mentawai islands before returning in the evening.

The Pasaman eregency, whose capital is Lubuk Sikaping, is located 188 kilometres from padang. The village of Bonjol in Pasaman regency mark the Equator’s location in West Sumatra. At the precise sight is an impressive global sculpture. Nearby are the remnants of a bulwark built in the 19th century bt Tuanku Imam Bonjol, the rebel leader in the Padri War against the Dutch. Also within this rgency is the magnificent Rimbo Panti wildife reserve, home to black panthers, tigers, tapir, and a wide range of indigenous wildlife.

Rabu, 17 September 2008



Three small island, surrounded by coral. The Gilis, off Lombok’s west coast, are fast becoming one of her main drawcards. Dive centre with all the high tech equipment and professional instruction ensure that visiting divers at all of experience and ability can dive in waters that have more varieties of fish than anywhere in the world-and that includes. The Great Barrier Reef and Red Sea.

Coral and diving

Gili Trawangan, now appears to head the list as the most popular island-it has long had a reputation as the party island mainly through acencentrated and central foreshore area of restaurant, dive oprations and hotels including some luxury boutique choises.

Gili Meno, still the quieters island is a place to escape to and althought it has a smaller list of accomomodation options those that it as are tending towards a more up-market clientele. Snorkeling off beaches of pure white sand the coral is superb.

Gili Air, has the largest local population and while it has more of a lived-nin feeling than the other two island for some that is quite possibly its attraction. On Gili Air it’s possible to likewisw enjoy the marine possibilities but also one can absorb some of the local culture missing on the other island.

Lombok’s main sea port, in a bay surrounded by hill is a gateway to the island for passenger car ferries a jet foil from Bali. There is small tourist office, some phones and a few food stalls.

Sekotong and Bangko-Bangko
A scenically spectacular highway follows the inside coast of the foot-like south west peninsula of Lombok. This road skirts beches of the whitest sand. Bays of turquoise water and small island characterize the offshore panorama. Take the road to the Bangko-Bangko area that includes world famous. Desert Point surf location-considered by many to be the best left breaking wave in Indonesia. Also go for hikes on the headland and explone the caves and huge canons- a legacy of the Japanesee occupation.

Gili Gede & Gili Nangga
The two islands off the north coast of the peninsula are now becoming popular for those seeking a retreat from the more popular and luxurious holiday spots. Accommodation is comfortable, thought fairly basic, and entertainment and food is mostly left up to one’s own devices. Popular for those seeking a more alternate holiday life style with the freedom to do as one wishes without restrictions. Both island can be reached by small skiffs from Lembar or by other skiffs departing from near Tawun.
Cultural attraction

Tourism, Art and Culture Festival West Lombok

The tourism Art and Culture Festival West Lombok is a tourism event held by Distric Government of West Lombok and travel agencies for one week. In this event many kinds of attractive performances can be seen such as traditional culture and art shows, tourism industry display, seminar and symposium about tour and travel and an open dialogue among national and international tour agencies. It is held in Senggigi tourist resort so that participal and visitor can enjoy the beautiful scenery and accommodation available there.

A fight performance bay two young man armed with rattan sticks and shield made of cowhide. The Pekembar or a judge determines if the fight should carry on, or the is a winner.

Cupak Gerantang
A dance performance based on the strory of Panji, the local legends adapted from the original stroty from Java. It is loaded with social and education message. It’s performed from 21.00 PM to 04.00AM.

Perang Topat (see Lingsar)
Perang Topat (Topat War) is a ritual ceremony which is performed as an espression of gratitude to God for his blessing of fertile soil plentiful agricultural produce. This event is performed in Lingsar Temple bay both Hindus and Sasaks., who throw rice cakes topat at each other. The show begins at 5.30 PM after Pedande Mapuja, when flowers fall (Rorok Kembang Waru). The ceremony is usually held every year at the time of sixth full moon (according to the sasak calendar) some time in Novemberor December. Topat is a platting of coconut leaves filled with rice, or rice wrapped in a platting coconut leaves.

Lebaran Topat
Lebaran Topat is a cultural event related to the Moslem religion in Lombok. Lebaran Topat is the traditional to celebrate Lebaran and recreation by bringing traditional food Topat with variery of side dishes including vegetable, it’s held in the 7 day after Idul Fitri. Lebaran Topat is held particularly in the West Lombok, started to pray for happiness and prosperity in the mosque, mushola, family grave yard and followed by recreation along the coast line, and eat the traditional food (topat) and variey of side dishes including vegetable dishes.

Male’an Sampi
Male’an Sampi is a traditional event in Lombok. It is a race between cattle held on flat ground about 100 meters long which is waterlogged. In Sasak language the meaning of Male’an Sampi can be divided into two word, Male’an meaning to chase and sampi means cow Generally. Male’an Sampi is a favourite pastime for farmers and cattle breeders in West Lombok. This event is usually held at the planting season when the farm is empty. The farmers and cattle breeders usually serve on the organizing committees of such events.

Batek Baris Dance
In this marching dance , the Dutch military marching style is imitated.Most of the orders are gives in Dutch, but pronounced in the Sasal dialect. The Batek Baris is usually performed as part of the traditional Pujawali ceremony procession, especially in Pura Lingsar temple in West Lombok during the Perang Topat celebration.

Gendang Beleq Dance
The Gendang Beleq Dance is one of the indigeneous dance of Lombok. It is so named because the musicians use a big (beleq) drum (gendang). In olden days this dance was performed to say goodbye to soldiers heading for the battlefield and again when they were welcome home. This dance with its distinct sound is now performed to welcome important guests.

Historical and religions monuments

Lombok’s most important temple, Pura Lingsar wa built in 1714. The sprawling Lingsar temple complex, with ins pond of sacred albino cels, has shrines that are able to accommodation both Balines Hindus as well Sasak devotces of the Islam Watu Telu religion. Go to Lingsar at festival time to see the Hindus in all their splendor.

Just 15 minutes by car from Mataram, Narmada was once the old king’s summer palace and designed as a miniature replica of Mr. Rinjani with its creater lake. When no longer able to climb his beloved mountain he could at least pretend.

Batu Bolong
Visit the very evocative temple shrine that sits a black outcrop of rock that teaches out intothe sea at Batu Bolong, three kilometer from central Senggigi. It can be particularly enchanting when Hindu devotes make their offering at dusk and Senggigi present one of her crimson sunsets with the silhouette of Bali’s Mt. Agung faintly visible in the distance. Restaurants and small cafes line the colourful main beach road.

Situated to the of Narmada, Suranadi has one of the most holy Hindu temple in Lombok. The temple’s relaxin surroundings include several springs and a pond full of fish. Suranadi itself boats a natural park/forest area, which is home to a variety of birds whose tuneful melodies can heard by visitors.

The hill-station retreat

This high and coll mountain pas along the main mad to the north famous for its views and tropical monkeys that wait by the side of the road waiting for snacks from passer by. There is a restaurant for light snack and to enjoy the fantastic natural panorama. It is 10 kms from Mataram and can even be reached by taxi.

Senaru (North Lombok)
Two towering waterfalls, Sindang Gile and Tiu Kelep, steam off the mountain into Senaru’s valley. The mosque built by Lombok’s ancient first sttle and one of the few Watu Telu villages with its thatched huts and megalithic appearance provide short excursions. Otherwise Senaru in used as the popular take-off point for Rinjani treks.

Mount Rinjani & Segara Anak Lake
Mount Rinjani (3.726 m) located in the northern part of Lombok, is the second highest mountain in Indonesia. For the Hindu people, Rinjani is a holy place wich they believe is the home of the gods. A large creater lake Segara Anak located at 2.000 meters above sea level, is the destination of many pilgrima who make the annual trek up the steep slopen in order to place offering for the gods in the lake itself. Wthin this breathtaking crater lake a new and active volcano called Mt. barujati has appeared. Nearly is a hot spring which is said to cure disease.
To climb such an impression mountain is an unforgettable experience. Starting points for treks begin at Senaru in the north. These two or three day treks attack Rinjani from the west and mean a descent to the awesome creater lake before climbing again up and out for a push to the summit. Alternatively, a more direct route to the summit (which misses out Segara Anak lake) can be reached from Sembalun, effectively attacling Rinjani from its castern slopes. Although this route excludes a trip to the lake, it does offer breathtaking scenery.

Senin, 04 Agustus 2008



Bali, one of the thousands of island constructing the Indonesian Archipelago, has long been renowned as a leading tourist destination in South Pasific or even in the World for its ecotic and vibrant art culture, natural beauties and the hospitality of the people.
Many names have been given to this small island, such as Island of thousand temples, Morning of the World and many others.
It covers an extent of 5.632,86 square kilometers consisted of mountain ange streches from the West tip to the East with Mt. Agung as the highest peak. About 70% of the whole extent is agricultural ground while the other 22% consist and only about 8% is left uncultivated.
The people mainly live on agriculture with rice as staple crop, while the other are : coconut, coffe, clove, vanilla, maize, etc.
Bali is also known for its wide variety of tropical fruit like : mango, mandarin citroes, banana, salak, the thornyskined, grape and many others.
Along with the development of tourism small scale and home industry like handicrafts are also flourishing, offering more job opportunities to the people.
Hinduism is adhered by almost 95% of its population about 2,8 millions, specifically blend with Budhism and the Anchestor worship to make it inseparable from everyday life and opportunity is missed to worship God in an unending series of ceremonies stretches from birt up to after death.
Everiday life of the Balinese merges with social duties and religios obligation while the art reflect an unnoticed integration of, environment, religion and community in wich individual is aprat.
Bali has such a mild and agreeable climate the whole year-round, with average temperature of the day in coastal arears varies from about 28 C (82 F) during May-July to about 30 C (86 F) in March-October, while the most pleasant weather is between May to September.
English is widely understood, along with the rapid development of tourism , particularly in major tourist resort while French, Japanese and othr foreign languages are also spoken instead of English.
With reagred to the efforts in maintaining and preserving the local culture, the Government has decided to develop such a tourism based on the every aspect of local culture that harmonically woven together with ages-old tradion inspired bay Hinduism as major religion.

Sabtu, 02 Agustus 2008



Selasa, 27 Mei 2008


By: Jose Arias
If you want to work at home, start a home based business on the internet। Basing a business on the internet broadens your client . It also has the advantage of low or no overhead.To find one program that suits you, work within a field you enjoy. The internet increases your client base, but because of the competition you will have to work hard to make your product or site stand out.Working from home on the internet can be started in almost any field of interest. If you want to offer services, writing web content and designing websites can provide good opportunities. Artists can offer services ranging from graphic design to pet portraits. You can offer advertising services on the internet. Think of any field you are interested in and search the web.You will probably find somebody offering services in that field. If the competition is too much, you narrow your services to a specific group. For example, instead of offering pet portraits you could offer dog portraits.Most people think of selling products online when they think of an online business. You can sell through a website, but first learn about website promotion. If you promote your website well you can also sell other people's products through affiliate programs. If you don't want to build a site or don't know how to promote, consider selling your products an an auction site.Many people have found internet auctions work well for them.An online business can be a great opportunity. It can provide you with financial freedom, or that extra money you are looking for so that you can enjoy some of life's little luxuries. The business can be your dream come true.The thing about online programs is that there are a lot of them out there in cyberspace. Some of them are good ones, and some are not so great. You will have to do your homework on the various home based businesses available. The good news is that with the huge array of programs choices out there, it is more than likely that you will find one that is perfect for your needs and suits the skills you have.A work from home business will require work. They do not run themselves.You must put in the effort to make them work and be successful. Every successful business owner will tell you that they had to work at their business. It also did not happen overnight. A business requires time to grow and become successful. Everyone starts small, and everyone has to start somewhere. So give yourself time to go from a beginner to a success at your business.Another way to find a good program for you is to learn from others.Often, people are willing to share their stories about what worked and what did not work for them as they began their dream come true. Ask questions, and investigate possible shortcuts. You never know when you will find something that will help make your home based business very successful. If you are interested in working for yourself, consider a home based business on the internet. It works for others. Research well, know what you are doing, and it should work for you.Article Source: http://articles.directorygold.comJose Arias discovered a way to make money and stay at home with his family. Takes vacation when he pleases, goes on school field trips and functions with no worries from the office. You can do it to with this guiede

Sabtu, 24 Mei 2008


Borobudur, one of the greatest of all monuments to Buddha, built during the Syailendra dynasty, which ruled from the middle of the eight century to the middle of the ninth. sitting majestical on the Menoreh hill in the regency of Magelang, Central Java, Borobudur is the largest of its kind in the southtern hemisphere, with around 500 stupas and 500 life-sized Buddhas, each hewn from a single boulder. On the ten terraces there are three miles of intensive instructions and devotions, leading to the top and the terrace of Absolute Reality.

Built on a low (c. 45 feet) hill rising from a wide plain, Candi Borobudur looks like a low dome. It has nine levels. The lowest level functions as the base of the structure, with a square floor plan, each side measuring 370 feet in leght, and projections on the flour side. The plain walls of this base rise 12 feet in height. The second level recedes 23 feet from the edge of the base, so that space for a wide processional path created around the entire building.

The diffrent treatment of the lower, middle, and upper levels of Candi Borobudur reflects a typically Buddhist three-part division of the universe as the Indonesians imagened it to be. The lower level represent the kamadhatu, the Sphere of Desire, in which the human spirit is still chained to greed. Above it lies the rupadhatu, the Sphere of Form, in which the human spirit has succeeded in liberating itself froom greed, but in which it is still unable to trancend the phenomenal world. The upper part, consisting of the circular terraces, is the arupadhatu, the Sphere of formlessness, in which the liberated human spirit has left all earth consideration behind.

Rabu, 30 April 2008

Minggu, 27 April 2008

Sabtu, 19 April 2008


Rumah Tinggal Type 21 di tingkat
Lokasi : Bekasi, Jawa Barat


Proyek Litbang Departemen Pertanian, Ragunan

Proyek BATAN (Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional)

Proyek Hotel Oase, Yogyakarta

Proyek Kantor
Kementerian Negara Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 69
Jakarta Selatan


Proyek Masjid An-Ni'mah
Desa Sukmajaya, Kec. Tajurhalang, Kabupaten Bogor,
Provinsi Jawa Barat


Gedung Wisma Dharmala