Banyak orang yang masih bertanya-tanya : Apa benar bisa mencari uang di internet ?
Di masa krisis perekonomia yang mengglobal ini, lapangan pekerjaan sulit didapat, banyak Pemecatan Hubungan Kerja (PHK), akan semakin memperburuk kondisi perekonomian kita. Terutama di bidang finansial. Bagi penggila internet (netters) biasanya mereka hanya melihat dan browsing situs-situs yang ada di internet untuk melihat berita-berita atau sekedar melihat-lihat informasi, dan atau hanya menggunakannya untuk chatting dengan teman-teman, pacar atau saudaranya? Sayang sekali bukan ? Bagaimana apabila sambil browsing mendapatkan uang ? Atau kata pepatah : “Sambil menyelam minum air ?”
Banyak pengguna internet yang sudah mengetahuinya, tetapi lebih banyak lagi yang belum mengetahui, bahwa mesin pencari Google yang selama ini biasa dipakai untuk mencari informasi ternyata bisa dipakai sebagai mesin pencari uang. Apa benar ?
Melalui sebuah program yang dinamakan Adsense, setiap orang memiliki peluang untuk ikut menikmati sebagian kue kesuksesan Google dalam ‘industri pencarian di dunia maya. Program paling terfavorit saat ini adalah Google Adsense yang memberlakukan system Pay Per Click (PPC). Iklan PPC merupakan sebuah program iklan yang menggunakan konsep konstekstual dan banner (images). Program ini diluncurkan oleh para Advertiser (pengiklan).
Apa yang bisa kita dapatkan dari Google Adsense ? Adsense akan membayar pemilik halaman web seandainya ada pengunjung yang melakukan klik terhadap iklan-iklan baik iklan dalam bentuk teks maupun iklan berbentuk banner dari klien Adsense. Besaran uang yang diterima tergantung pada beberapa harga perklik yang sanggup dibayar oleh klien Adsense.
Berbekal sebuah situs web, blog, atau portal, seseorang bisa mengikuti program Adsense tanpa harus mengeluarkan biaya sepeser pun dengan peluang penghasilan yang tidak terbatas. Dengan menyisakan sedikit ruang untuk ditempati iklan dan atau mesin pencari search engine Google, pendapatan berupa dolar akan mengalir dengan sendirinya apabila ada pengunjung web atau blog yang melakukan klik iklan dan atau menggunakan mesin pencari Google di web atau blog kita. Semakin banyak pengunjung web atau blog tersebut, semakin besar pula peluang untuk terus-menerus mendapatkan dolar.
Blog ini berisi mengenai materi-materi perkuliahan dan hasil dari karya-karya Mahasiswa Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Mpu Tantular Jakarta
Senin, 08 Desember 2008
Minggu, 07 Desember 2008
Jakarta, a booming and modern metropolis and capital of Indonesia-was originally a sleepy port town known as Sunda Kelapa. Through the course of historical events, however, Sunda Kelapa grew rapidly, and as early as the 1600’s became one of the most vital trading venues in the excotic East. At different times, and under various rulers, this town became known as Jayakarta, Batavia (under Dutch colonist), Jayakarta again, and finally Jakarta. In the 1940’s only about 200.000 people lived in this city, but today-with the influx of people into the city after the Second World War-jakarta’s population is now nine million. Previously known as “The Peral of the Orient”’ Jakarta with its shopping, nightlife and business opportunities is now a thriving major city and is often referred to as “the best kept secret in Asia”.
Yogyakarta is Indonesia in miniature. Whwn visitors come to inhale the air of Yogya, they feel like they have lived. Yogya has been describe “Javas cultural heart” the “Soul city of Java” or “Planted in the fertile heartland of Central Java, (it is) the cradle of the great Javanese empires… the centre of Indonesia’s grand culturak traditions… the capital of ancient kingdoms, medieval empires and modern revolution and an enjoy mélange of style and moods.
Whatever Yogyakarta is or aims to be, this fascinating city with its surrounding jungles, rice fields and mountains lies in the heart of Indonesia’s most important ancient empires. In Yogyakarta itself you can visit the impressive Sultants’s Palace (the Kraton) under the watchful, but friendly eyes, of a hundred palace guards in their traditional and distinctive uniforms. You can tour its bustling markets and avenues and purchase arts and craft created by Java’s finest craftsmen and painters. Once you’ve seen enough of modern Java, you can then head for the countryside and marvel at some of ancient Asia’s grandest wonders-the great 8th to 10th century Hindu and Buddhist temples of Prambanan, Borobudur and their subsidiary candies (temple) and shrines that dot the Javanese countryside.
Yogya is a place where nothing is leaved until it is experienced.
Yogyakarta is Indonesia in miniature. Whwn visitors come to inhale the air of Yogya, they feel like they have lived. Yogya has been describe “Javas cultural heart” the “Soul city of Java” or “Planted in the fertile heartland of Central Java, (it is) the cradle of the great Javanese empires… the centre of Indonesia’s grand culturak traditions… the capital of ancient kingdoms, medieval empires and modern revolution and an enjoy mélange of style and moods.
Whatever Yogyakarta is or aims to be, this fascinating city with its surrounding jungles, rice fields and mountains lies in the heart of Indonesia’s most important ancient empires. In Yogyakarta itself you can visit the impressive Sultants’s Palace (the Kraton) under the watchful, but friendly eyes, of a hundred palace guards in their traditional and distinctive uniforms. You can tour its bustling markets and avenues and purchase arts and craft created by Java’s finest craftsmen and painters. Once you’ve seen enough of modern Java, you can then head for the countryside and marvel at some of ancient Asia’s grandest wonders-the great 8th to 10th century Hindu and Buddhist temples of Prambanan, Borobudur and their subsidiary candies (temple) and shrines that dot the Javanese countryside.
Yogya is a place where nothing is leaved until it is experienced.
The charming city of Manado, is the provincial capital of North Sulawesi, the smallest of Sulawesi (formed known as the Celebes) island’s four provincies. This peninsular provinces-and arc of land nearly 800 kilometres wide-is home to some 2,5 million people, mostly Minahasans. Manado is famed for its spectacular diving sites and serene beaches, but its most prominent landmark is the brooding Mount Lokon, a beautiful volcano that houses a spectacular aqua-green sulphur lake inside its steamy cone. Regional tourist attractions include the peaceful Lake Tondano (South of Manado), the crystal clear diving waters of Bunaken Islan and Tasik Ria Beach.
In this book “The Malay Archipelago” 19th century naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace describe Manado “a one of the prettiest town in the East”.
Indeed, Manado is still a prim proper and pleasant place, and in recent years it has achieved special international fame for the beauty of its spectacular underwater “Sea Gardens” Divers the world over come to Manado to explore offshore reefs which teem with tropical fish, coral formations and other marine wonders. Meanwhile, the new resort project at Manado Tasik Ria Beach will eventually be one of East Indonesia’s biggest visit or attraction and Indonesia’s newest resort destination.
The charming city of Manado, is the provincial capital of North Sulawesi, the smallest of Sulawesi (formed known as the Celebes) island’s four provincies. This peninsular provinces-and arc of land nearly 800 kilometres wide-is home to some 2,5 million people, mostly Minahasans. Manado is famed for its spectacular diving sites and serene beaches, but its most prominent landmark is the brooding Mount Lokon, a beautiful volcano that houses a spectacular aqua-green sulphur lake inside its steamy cone. Regional tourist attractions include the peaceful Lake Tondano (South of Manado), the crystal clear diving waters of Bunaken Islan and Tasik Ria Beach.
In this book “The Malay Archipelago” 19th century naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace describe Manado “a one of the prettiest town in the East”.
Indeed, Manado is still a prim proper and pleasant place, and in recent years it has achieved special international fame for the beauty of its spectacular underwater “Sea Gardens” Divers the world over come to Manado to explore offshore reefs which teem with tropical fish, coral formations and other marine wonders. Meanwhile, the new resort project at Manado Tasik Ria Beach will eventually be one of East Indonesia’s biggest visit or attraction and Indonesia’s newest resort destination.
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